Annegret Hagenberg
finished University of physical therapy in Munich back in 1988. where she specialize in Manual therapy and Bobath therapy for adults (IBITAH) and in 2012. she got her master degree in physical therapy at Coventry University. Same year she started research at Leicester University where she worked at Medicine and Humane Sciences sector and Magnament and Business Departament. Annegret was specially interested in research and teaching CPD courses of Visual Illusion and Mirror therapy.
Mirror therapy was invented by Vilayanur S. Ramachandran to help alleviate the Phantom limb pain, in which patients feel they still have a pain in the limb even after having it amputated.
Ramachandran and Rogers-Ramachandran [2] first devised the technique in an attempt to help those with phantom limb pain resolve what they termed a ‘learned paralysis’ of the painful phantom limb. The visual feedback, from viewing the reflection of the intact limb in place of the phantom limb, made it possible for the patient to perceive movement in the phantom limb. Their hypothesis was that every time the patient attempted to move the paralyzed limb, they received sensory feedback (through vision and Proprioception) that the limb did not move. This feedback stamped itself into the brain circuitry through a process of Hebbian learning, so that, even when the limb was no longer present, the brain had learned that the limb (and subsequent phantom) was paralyzed. To retrain the brain, and thereby eliminate the learned paralysis, Ramachandran and Rogers-Ramachandran created the mirror box.
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