As part of the Erasmus project “Development of a training program for improving the Quality of Life of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities through the use of ICT solutions ( idICT)”, on 3rd and 4th May 2016, the second meeting of project partners was held in Forli in Italy. The meeting was attended CUDV DEAR (Slovenia), IBV (Spain), HURT (Croatia), CERCIGUI (Portugal), IAT (Germany), COPAVA (Spain), CSS Forli (Italy).
The first day of the meeting the project coordinator Manuel Quílez (COPAVA) presented the results achieved so far in the project, and agreed further guidelines and deadlines for documents submission for individual partners.
During the second day of the meeting, the partners visited the institutions that collaborate with project partners from Italy Consorzio Solidarietà Sociale (CSS), and saw different environments in which people with intellectual disabilities carry out productive activities.
Tangram cooperativa sociale
Il Cammino cooperativa sociale
L’Accoglienza cooperativa sociale
This project is supported by the European Union.